Messy House Means Full Hearts

My floors are covered in bags, uniforms, boots, and junk.  My house has a strong smell of a very well oiled machine.  But it's all very welcomed because these things mean we have our favorite guy back!!!  Nick is home and our hearts are full and complete!!!

Friday evening Jaxon and I headed out and met Nick as he got off the plane. He has spent the last give weeks on aircraft carrier on an underway for training somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.  Jaxon was a little uncertain of him, but he wasn't crying.  He was just whining and reaching out for me.  I expected that reaction, maybe even some tears, because lately he's been very attached to me and had a little bit of stranger danger when others hold him.  But when we got home, Nick got him out of his car seat, carried him in the house, and Jaxon was all smiles.  (sorry for these awful iPhone photos taken at 9pm when we got home).

We spent about an hour and a half in the loft just playing together.  I mainly just stood back and tried to prevent my heart from bursting watching Jaxon crawl all over Nick, wrestling together, and Jaxon just giggling away with his Dada.

Even though Nick was only gone five weeks, that's a very long time in the life of a 10 month old child.  Jaxon has changed so much since Nick left.  We spent most of the evening showing Nick all the new things Jaxon has learned while he was gone.  The biggest includes standing, unassisted, and taking steps!  Yes, you read that correctly, you little guy takes between 4-7 steps before falling or flopping down once he's close to his destination.  He resembles a very drunk man while taking these steps but soon enough he'll be stable and running!

"How is it having Nick home?" That's the question I get asked a lot.  It's amazing, duh!  But it could be a lot better, unfortunately.  He arrived home Friday night, and Saturday we ran errands but at least we were together as a family and I had hand reaching out for mine while we drove.

Sunday, Nick had a friend over to study for a few hours and after she left, he continued to study all day long.  He also has today off, which is nice in theory since he's been gone, but his friend is back over here all day studying.  (Nick has a big pilot qualification coming up and he has to sit for a few boards; it's a stressful and busy time for him, which sucks for our family but we're making the most of it.) 

Regardless of him being busy, he's sleeping in bed next to me.  He's eating breakfast and dinner with Jaxon and me.  I'm waking up next to him.  He takes quick breaks from studying when Jaxon from his naps to make sure he's the first to greet him, and takes part in bathtime with him.  For this, I am thankful.  It might only equal about 2 total waking hours a day, but that's much better than the zero we had the past five weeks.

This weekend the house was a mess.  I didn't care one bit.  That mess sat on our bathroom and bedroom floor for a few days.  Actually, it's still there.  And today, when Nick gets his sea bag from base after the truck drops it off, it will be an even bigger mess.  A mess that I just stare at and smile.  A mess that means my heart is full because my husband is home safely and I'm back in his arms again.